PR, Marketing, and Events in China

We realize complex PR campaigns in China.

The team “Mikhailov and Partners” helps clients from China solve communication tasks in Russia, and assists large Russian companies and startups in establishing cooperation with China. We develop and implement comprehensive communication strategies in both B2B and B2C segments.

Why companies come to us:

  • Positioning the company and brand in the Chinese market
  • Supporting business missions and thematic events
  • Organizing press tours and forums
  • Promoting business interests and government agencies
  • Creative development and launching of special projects
  • Digital campaigns on Chinese social networks
  • Working with Chinese media and opinion leaders
  • Strategic partnerships with major Chinese communication companies allow us to solve tasks of any complexity.

Our partners in China:

  • CIPRA – consultations and assistance to the government, theoretical and practical research in the field of public relations.
  • D&S Media Group – marketing and crisis VVVV communications, media relations, SMM, digital marketing, AI+ marketing, and e-commerce.
  • SPRG – an integrated group for strategic communications in China and the Asia-Pacific region. The agency specializes in IR, IPO support, corporate and marketing communications.

See also

Corporate Communications

Marketing Communications

Digital and Social media


International communications

AI Marketing: Neural Networks in Communications

Communications Design

Internal Communications

Crisis Management

Litigation PR

Financial Communications and IR

ESG and Sustainable Development

GR and work with government agencies

Monitoring and Analytics