Digital and Social media

Strategic communications and marketing solutions. Any task digitally. We will find a solution with maximum effect.

“Мikhailov and Partners” develop digital expertise based on the principle of 360: it is an integral part of everything that we do for our clients. The digital environment today forms the basis of any communication-whether it’s corporate PR or product marketing.We create content and conduct informational campaigns on all popular social media platforms in Russia.

Our communication and marketing strategies for brand presence in social media and the digital environment help strengthen dialogue with audiences and create value for their customers. Regardless of the tasks set before us in digital – SMM, in the field of creative, special projects, working with influencers, or managing communities in social networks – our recommendations and products always lead to measurable and concrete results.

See also

Corporate Communications

Marketing Communications


International communications

PR, Marketing, and Events in China

AI Marketing: Neural Networks in Communications

Communications Design

Internal Communications

Crisis Management

Litigation PR

Financial Communications and IR

ESG and Sustainable Development

GR and work with government agencies

Monitoring and Analytics