Litigation PR

Communications that help effectively respond to legal challenges.

Mikhailov and Partners have rich experience in supporting judicial and regulatory disputes. The outcome often depends on which side that looks more convincing in the information field and constructs more accurate communication based on the legal position.

The expertise of Mikhailov and Partners helps clients deeply analyse the information context of disputes and develop effective communication strategies that contribute to their quick resolution. After all, we speak the same language as lawyers, GR specialists, and auditors. Together with the client, we build trust with the media and other target audiences in complex situations and maintain stakeholders’ awareness of the client’s position.

The work of communications and PR in disputes often begins long before legal actions and ends long after the last court hearing. Along this path, we create content and tools for clients that shape a favourable information field and facilitate the resolution of their legal and business tasks.

See also

Corporate Communications

Marketing Communications

Digital and Social media


International communications

PR, Marketing, and Events in China

AI Marketing: Neural Networks in Communications

Communications Design

Internal Communications

Crisis Management

Financial Communications and IR

ESG and Sustainable Development

GR and work with government agencies

Monitoring and Analytics