ESG and Sustainable Development

Audit, development of strategies and initiatives, development of communications in the field of ecology, social policy, and corporate governance.

In 2017, Mikhaylov and Partners were the first in Russian communication consulting to establish a practice of ESG communications, working with ESG as one of the most important areas of activity for corporate clients, public organisations, authorities, and all concerned parties.

Today, our ESG expertise is a unique combination of recognised Russian and international market competencies in communications and years of practical experience in the field of ESG. The work of Mikhaylov and Partners in this segment is based on the direct study and adaptation of international experience and standards, understanding the realities and specifics of Russian ESG practices.

M&P’s services in the field of ESG and sustainable development include:

  • Audit of organisation’s ESG activities and development of ESG strategies
  • Formation of tools (expert environment, journalists, digital), organisation and maintenance of ESG communications system, crisis management solutions
  • Creation of regulatory and declarative documents in the field of ESG – policies and provisions
  • Support of information disclosure for participation in Russian and international ESG ratings
  • Conducting seminars and trainings in the ESG field
  • New communication formats with stakeholders based on digital tools include surveys of stakeholders in Telegram, panel studies.

Mikhaylov and Partners are actively working to develop ESG expertise in the professional environment and promote sustainable development ideas in Russian society. Projects such as the ESG Digest, a monthly review in Russian and English languages, covering events and news on ESG in Russia and worldwide, are aimed at this. It has many subscribers in corporations, governmental bodies, foreign ESG expert centers, rating agencies, and stock exchanges. ESG GAZETA is a new digital media outlet by Mikhaylov and Partners, which provides simple and accessible information on ESG, featuring exclusive interviews with top speakers, expert analytics, ESG project cases, and trend analysis in the ESG field.

See also

Corporate Communications

Marketing Communications

Digital and Social media


International communications

PR, Marketing, and Events in China

AI Marketing: Neural Networks in Communications

Communications Design

Internal Communications

Crisis Management

Litigation PR

Financial Communications and IR

GR and work with government agencies

Monitoring and Analytics