Financial Communications and IR

Establish relationships with international investors and draw attention to an important deal in the capital markets.

“Mikhailov & Partners” is one of the largest independent Russian companies with rich expertise in international financial communications and investor relations. Our team solves clients’ tasks in Moscow, London, Beijing, New York, Los Angeles, Zurich, and Amsterdam.

We help Russian and foreign companies interact with capital markets during IPOs, create a favourable information background during M&A deals and debt financing, as well as build long-term relationships with institutional and retail investors, analysts, business media, and other stakeholders.

We are experienced professionals with a wealth of experience in the financial markets of Russia, the USA, Asia, Central, and Western Europe. Our international expertise covers IR and ESG consulting, financial, corporate, and crisis communications — all within a single contract and unified billing. And our strong connections with international media and the investment community enable us to reliably solve clients’ business tasks through communications and networking.

See also

Corporate Communications

Marketing Communications

Digital and Social media


International communications

PR, Marketing, and Events in China

AI Marketing: Neural Networks in Communications

Communications Design

Internal Communications

Crisis Management

Litigation PR

ESG and Sustainable Development

GR and work with government agencies

Monitoring and Analytics