Corporate Communications

Communications to address corporate objectives and enhance stakeholder relationships.

“Мikhailov and Partners” have been developing corporate communications in Russia since 1993. We provide guidance to CEOs, boards of directors, press offices, and communication leaders on daily PR issues, communication strategy development, and the creation and management of communication functions. Our communication solutions deliver results across all markets, from mature industrial companies to technological giants and startups.

Solutions and products of M&P in the field of corporate communications are created to help clients establish intellectual leadership, protect and promote their interests in the Russian and international markets, strengthen reputation, engage stakeholders, and manage risks. Clients often turn to us for communication and PR outsourcing. Our advantage lies in a careful approach to the client’s needs and a focus on providing effective solutions to meet the set objectives.

See also

Marketing Communications

Digital and Social media


International communications

PR, Marketing, and Events in China

AI Marketing: Neural Networks in Communications

Communications Design

Internal Communications

Crisis Management

Litigation PR

Financial Communications and IR

ESG and Sustainable Development

GR and work with government agencies

Monitoring and Analytics