Female Leadership in Investments

Website Development and Corporate Identity of an Educational Portal

Golden Site – 2022
Our educational platform “Female Leadership in Investments” has received a special prize from the Organizing Committee in the thematic category “Educational portal, popular science website, blog” for its contribution to expanding women’s participation in the country’s economic development.


“Female Leadership in Investments” is an educational platform on intelligent investing and financial media with analytical information. The project was created to inspire women to try their hand in the world of finance. The content center of the platform is a course that helps to understand the types of securities, choose a broker and strategy, and invest money wisely.


Economics, finance, and investments are often perceived as a male occupation. As a result, many women deny themselves the opportunity to try their hand in the world of finance. The project’s authors decided to change this situation. One of the key components of “Female Leadership in Investments” is a free course for women “10 Steps to Investing”. It aims to explain the basics of investing and inspire women to try their hand in this area. We faced the task of creating a convenient website and identity for the course and the entire project.


As the basis of the style, we chose photos of teachers, a concise palette, and round shapes. The design, along with convenience and informativeness, had to convey comfort and aesthetics. After all, in the case of this course, we were talking about knowledge in one of the most responsible areas of life – finances. Therefore, the project interface should set an atmosphere that does not distract from the content and promotes maximum involvement in the process of gaining new knowledge.

Project Team

  • Timur Aliev — Art Director
  • Polina Gryaznova — Designer
  • Olga Gorbatykh — Designer
  • Daria Palyutina — Manager
  • Georgy Vladimirov — Developer