Honor: From a Sub-brand to Full Autonomy

The Communication Support of an Independent Chinese Brand


Honor is a global provider of smart devices that started its journey to the consumer’s heart as a sub-brand of Huawei. The company’s main task in the Russian market was to quickly stand alongside market leaders and gain recognition among the audience.


The team of “Mikhailov and Partners” started by developing the positioning and communication strategy for Honor. M&P consultants supported the company at every stage of its expansion into the Russian market, helping to implement communication projects to shape a new image among target audiences.


In a short period, positive relationships were built with industry journalists and experts, a number of communication product campaigns and creative projects were implemented. The “Mikhailov and Partners” team acted as an external press service, supported the presentations of new models, organised the company’s participation in key industry events, and developed and implemented image and product communication campaigns. As a result of M&P’s work, Honor’s communication messages stood out from competitors. Unconventional and comprehensive projects received numerous internal awards from communication market experts.